Accessible Forms

Independent navigation and completion of forms is the most important component in making a PDF form accessible. Easy to understand instructions on each fillable element tells a user how to complete the form and navigate through the different sections.

The Right Form for the Job

Whether it’s a single static one-page form, or a Dynamic LiveCycle PDF that changes based on a user’s responses, we can help ensure your forms are accessible and user friendly. Knowing the difference between the two formats and when to use them is how we determine which form is best for your situation.


Static PDF Form Dynamic LiveCycle PDF
  • No change in layout
  • Simple responses
  • Design and accessibility are independent (you create the design, we’ll make it accessible)
  • PDF/UA Compliant
  • Layout of the form changes based on the responses of a user
  • Design and Accessibility are interdependent
  • Showing and hiding content to minimize the printing of unnecessary pages
  • WCAG Compliant
  • Easy database and content management system integration